Thursday, December 31, 2009

Musicbytes Lesson1

Hey Parents!
It was wonderful to see everyone for the first class the other day onWednesday. For the Fall 2009 session we have Valerie, Lila, Katelynand Maggie!

In this newsletter:
1. Class timing
2. Lesson structure
3. NAC Kinderconcert series!

I just wanted to remind everyone to arrive on time at 5pm. I willleave the door unlocked so you can bring your child inside and guideher downstairs to the studio. The official lesson time will finish at5:30pm because some parents need to pick up their child and be home intime for dinner etc. However our last activity is a "craft" so it'sfine with me if you want to pick up your child at 5:40. Once againI'll leave the door unlocked because there are lots of children tokeep an eye on with coloured markers too! :)

Basically in 30 minutes:
1. Opening song.
2. "Sing and Dance" to selections from children's CDs with a specificpurpose: for example for the lesson on tempo - adagio, moderato,allegro we'll have songs with slow, medium and fast motions. Specialequipment - scarves, parachute, drums, puppets etc.
3. Storytime. This is the core lesson from the Musicland storybook.Each of the chapters (short story) covers a specific topic.
4. Piano playing - there will be hands on playing of music, related tothe lesson. I have one piano so the kids will take turns.
5. Writing Exercises - this is from the workbook geared for this age,colouring, drawing a circle around the correct object, joining lines,and eventual writing music notes! or a simple craft.
6. Our "Good-bye" song. It makes saying bye alot easier :)

My goal is that the kids will learn the names of the notes on thepiano, have age-appropriate control of left and right hand fingers,and play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by heart.

1. Play "Dragon Stomp"
2. Colour and decorate Yellow Cat (If you continue with othermusicland characters, please use the correct colouring scheme)

KINDERCONCERT SERIESThe NAC offers 4 terrific concerts for children aged 3 to 8. Instruments, animation and storytelling capture youngsters'imaginations, providing fun and discovery of the endless wonders ofmusic! "Fred Piston and his 7 Trumpets" on Sunday, November 1, 2009.
All concerts are held in the NAC Panorama Room on the floor. Bring acomfy cushion and join in the fun! tickets online, about $6.50 each.

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