Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lesson 4: Resting

Hello Everyone.

Musicland Adventures, Musicbytes 4
1. Lesson Overview
2. Homework Assignment
3. Other
4. Free Heintzman piano, delivery included!

LESSON OVERVIEW: Resting With Green Elf
Katelyn dressed as Blue Fairy; Lila the pink princess; convincedMaggie to wear a blue princess outfit, and Valerie wore a green-purpledragon outfit until it got too warm.
The students learned about the concept of a rest (musical notationwhich denotes silence) and we used the song B-I-N-G-O as an example ofwhen a note is substituted by "Shhhh!" You can read the story from thechapter in green again. It was a very quiet, calm and sleepy classbecause we also had some quiet time and listened to lullabies :)

A whole rest (looks like a hole or Green Elf's belt) = long rest forfour beats like,Teddy bear sle-e-e-ep!
A half rest (looks like Green Elf's hat) = a long rest for two beats like,Teddy bear stand-ing, stand-ing.
A quarter rest (like a squigge) = a rest for one beat, which wouldreplace a quarter note like,Teddy bear walk, walk, walk, walk.

Refer to page 10 and 11 in the Activity Book. For example, all the children were able to recognize that the notes were printed as Red Giant, Orange Alarm Clock, Brown Beethoven, Yellow Cat, PurpleDragon, Yellow Cat

1. Read and speak the song in time, on pg 10. You can also play thiswith your child. They are beginning to understand the concept that themusic on the page tells you what notes you're supposed to play.
2. Play the song on pg 11 following the notes specified. Guide yourchild to use the specified fingers, or else choose to use one samefinger for all the notes, that's ok too.
3. Keep on reviewing Caves, Castles, finding Yellow Cat, PurpleDragon, Green Elf etc.
I was shocked when even Maggie said, here's a cave, here's a castle!

Please bring the Trace and Play book or next week. We are ready towrite some music.

Have a good week!Just a reminder that my co-worker is still offering his 100 year old Heintzman piano for grabs, delivery included!

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