Sunday, August 28, 2011

Four Pre- Lessons

1) Stand
2) Bow
3) Sit
4) Ready, Play

It would be beneficial for new parents to go through a Suzuki orientation or information sesson. Some teachers even ask prospective students and parents to observe lessons for up to six months before beginning. I feel that the most important assignment to assign before formal lessons begin is to listen to the Suzuki Book 1 CD for 2 hours daily at a minimum.

The BOW and what it means; a sign of respect for the teacher, a humble teachable heart for the student. The eyes should make contact first, the teacher and student both bend from the waist and come up again. The student should come up only after sensing the teacher has risen first.  The attitude is "I am ready for my lesson, I am ready to learn." It might be helpful for the student to verbalize this, and the teacher would answer. "I am ready to teach."  At the end of the lesson, the student and teacher will bow and the attitude verbalized is, "Thank you for the lesson."

I have a funny story about my son age 3. I am taking the small step to teach him Suzuki piano because he has shown me he is ready. He is willing to listen to the CD; he remembers what I say about the relaxed hand and strong fingers, and most of all he respects me as the teacher. One time just as we were nearing the end of the lesson, he must've felt that he reached the limit of concentration and he was done. He leapt off the piano bench, took a bow and announced clearly, "Thank you for my lesson".

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